Level One 2025 Student Contract

I confirm that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and that I will provide proof if requested.

  1. I agree to attend class on all scheduled class dates, and will do my best to be punctual.

  2. I understand that I am required to complete five 5-hour Practicum days in addition to class dates & homework.

  3. I understand and agree that absence of more than two days (15 class hours) will render me ineligible for certification, without exception.

  4. I understand and agree that any missed classes may be made up as outlined in the 2025 Student Handbook and that make up classes are scheduled at the convenience of the teacher and at a cost to me of $60 per hour, payable in cash to the teacher at the time of the make up class.

  5. I understand and agree that Misty Meadows is a recreational smoke/drug/alcohol free zone, and I agree to abide by that rule. I will not partake of these items within the property limits of Misty Meadows.

  6. I certify that I am physically able to participate fully in all aspects of the program, including sitting attentively in indoor or outdoor classes, gardening, gentle hiking up to 5 miles in field and forest, and working outdoors for periods of up to 5 hours rain or shine.

  7. I certify that I am able to maintain a level of concentration for a minimum of 2 hours during lectures and hands-on workshops.

  8. I agree to complete required homework and submit it for review within specified times as outlined at the end of each class weekend agenda.

  9. I agree to maintain valid, active Facebook and email accounts throughout the duration of the program and to notify Misty Meadows in writing of changes to that address.

  10. I understand and agree that the facilities at Misty Meadows are not handicapped accessible.

  11. I understand and agree that I must provide all food I require for each class weekend, and that I will keep that food in my own cooler other than when I'm preparing or eating it.

  12. I understand and agree that I will be afforded kitchen privileges for preparing my food, and that I am expected to wash, wipe and return to its proper place any items I might use.

  13. I understand that Misty Meadows has a Leave No Trace policy and I therefore agree to remove any and all items brought onto the property by me, including my personal belongings and any trash I may generate. This does not include items provided to me by Misty Meadows as part of my class participation.

  14. I agree to bring my own eating utensils.

  15. I understand and agree that if at any time my progress, dedication or behavior is deemed unacceptable, I may be required to meet with the program director for counseling and resolution.

  16. I understand and agree that the tuition cost of this program is $2895.00, and that no refunds will be issued after April 1, 2025 for any reason.

  17. I understand and agree that by signing this contract and submitting my registration I am agreeing to pay the full tuition within the class year whether or not I complete the program. I further understand that I am legally responsible to pay the full tuition and that legal action may be taken to collect amounts due should I fail to pay in full and on time.

  18. I understand and agree that giving false information on this contract or my violation of any of the terms of this contract may warrant my expulsion from the program and that all monies paid will be forfeited and any unpaid balance is due upon notice of expulsion.

  19. I have read, understand and agree to the Misty Meadows Cancelation Policy