Green Fire Reiki Certifications
Tuition: $250
Class Enrollment: maximum 6 students
Class Times: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
I am deeply blessed and excited to bring Green Fire Reiki™ forward at this time, when healing is so profoundly needed in our communities.
Reiki is a simple, powerful and gentle hands-on healing practice that promotes the body’s natural self-healing abilities. Green Fire Reiki™ I is rooted in the strong foundation of traditional Usui Reiki and Tibetan Shamanic practice, and introduces the vibrational healing power of plant spirit, the highest vibration after Spirit itself. The exquisitely unique energy of plants enhances the connection between the subtle bodies of a person and the Universal Life Force, and expands possibilities for healing on all levels. This two-day intensive includes an introduction to, and discussion of, the Reiki Ideals and the chakra system, incorporating the use of healing plants to encourage healing on all levels.
You will:
Learn the history of Reiki, how it works, and many of its uses.
Receive the Green Fire Reiki™ I attunement which opens your Reiki channel to the infinite supply of Universal life force energy, the spirit of The Green Nations, and invites balance among your four subtle bodies: the physical, mental, emotional,l and spiritual.
Receive the first Reiki symbol, learn how to use it, and practice using it.
Receive the Green Fire Reiki™ I symbol, learn how to use it, and practice using it.
Participate in exercises to open your own intuitive personal healing gifts.
Experience a guided meditation designed to clear and balance your energy, create your inner Reiki temple, and meet your Reiki guide(s) and a plant spirit helper.
Learn the Reiki hand positions and practice a Green Fire Reiki™ self-treatment.
Receive and conduct full Green Fire Reiki™ treatments with class participants.
You do not need any previous knowledge of healing plants to participate in this class.
Herbalists and herbal students are urged to consider adding Green Fire Reiki to your herbal tool box for clinical practice.
Includes complete Green Fire Reiki™ I Practitioner Manual.
Certificate awarded upon class completion.
45-60 minute lunch break. Please bring your lunch as our location is fairly remote and time will not allow for off-site dining.
Tuition: $350
Class Enrollment: maximum 6 students
Class Times: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
In this two-day intensive, you will be introduced to the next two Reiki symbols and the two Green Fire™ II symbols, learn their uses, practice using them, and be able to distinguish between the feel of their energies as they flow through your empowered hands.
You will:
Review Green Fire Reiki™ I.
Practice a “distance" or “absentee” Green Fire Reiki™ session for a person, animal, plant, or situation in the present, past, or future time.
Participate in guided meditation to go to your sacred temple and meet/reconnect with your Green Fire Reiki™ guides and your plant spirit guide(s).
Strengthen your Green Fire Reiki™ channel through the Green Fire Reiki™ II attunement.
Begin using plants and crystals to create grids and rebalance chakras.
Certificate awarded upon class completion.
Prerequisite: Green Fire Reiki™ I attunement must have been received from an attuned Green Fire Reiki™ Master Teacher no less than 2 months prior to this Green Fire Reiki™ II class. 15 documented full Green Fire Reiki™ sessions using traditional Reiki hand positions, the Empowerment Symbol, and the Green Fire symbol (at least 9 treatments on humans) are highly recommended.
All students should be prepared to share their Reiki stories of working with people, pets, plants, etc. If you received your Level I Reiki attunement with a teacher other than Wendy Fogg, you must first take a Green Fire Reiki™ I Catch Up class before registering for this Level Two class. Anyone coming to class without having met prerequisite requirements will be dismissed without a refund. No exceptions.
1 hour lunch break. Please bring your lunch as our location is fairly remote and time will not allow for off-site dining.
Instructor: Green Fire Reiki™ Master Wendy Snow Fogg
Dates: May 9-11, 2025
Times: Friday (5/9) 6-9pm, Saturday & Sunday (5/10 & 5/11) 9-4:30pm
Cost: $495
Class Size: 4-6 people
Our communities need Green Fire Reiki™ practitioners! More, they need Reiki practitioners who practice and are available! I hope you're ready!
If you're interested in furthering your Reiki training and becoming the practitioner your community desperately needs and deserves, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
When Dr. Mikao Usui received the Reiki symbols and the power and wisdom to use them while meditating many years ago on Mt Kuryama, he accessed the same power that is available to all of us. Shamans from all time have interfaced the spirit world with the human and Usui can be considered to be one of the most powerful shamans the world has known. The practice of Reiki opens the intuition and thins the illusionary veils between spirit and matter. Within this opening lies an invitation to work directly with the Spirit in the healing process the way shamans and indigenous healers have done for centuries. Hands-on Reiki becomes a vital portal for the dynamic ways of working with the Universal Life Force Energy.
In this experiential weekend, I’ll share the diverse teachings I’ve received with the discoveries that have come with 26 years of Reiki practice and 16 years of teaching. Through ceremony and practice, assisted by the four elements, plant spirits, music, sacred stones, shamanic journeys, and Reiki spirit guides, Wendy facilitates your opening to Shamanic Reiki.
You will:
· Receive the Master-Practitioner Tibetan Buddhist symbol and attunement
· Receive the Green Fire III Master Practitioner symbol
· Receive another archetypal symbol for use in healing work
· Learn to work with your spirit guides, plant spirits, and the four elements in the healing/cleansing process
· Practice body-centered journeying techniques for yourself and your clients
· Learn energetic extraction techniques and etheric body-work approaches
· Learn energetic practices to support spiritual healing and the path of the healer.
You must have received your Green Fire Reiki™ I and II attunements from Wendy Snow Fogg
Green Fire Reiki™ II attunement at least 6 months prior to taking this class
You must submit 20 documented cases working with humans and/or animals. Cases must be submitted via email to no later than April 9, 2025, in order to register for the class. Late submissions will not be considered.
Once your submitted cases have been approved; you will be sent a link to register and pay for the class. You are not enrolled in the class until all of these steps have been completed.
1 hour lunch break. Please bring a healthy lunch and light snacks as our location is fairly remote and time will not allow for offsite dining.
Cost: $575
Class Size: 3-6
Class Times: 9 a.m. -5 p.m.
Scheduled by request with a minimum of 3 students. This one-day intensive is for non-teaching Reiki Masters (Reiki III’s) who want to teach or pass on the practice of Reiki to others, You will be initiated as a Reiki Master Teacher with this attunement and receive one more symbol. You will have the opportunity to discuss professional issues and the commitment to taking on the role of Reiki Master Teacher. You will be provided with time for ongoing Q&A. In addition, there will be a review and discussion of the Reiki ideals, the Healing Attunement, all symbols, the Hui Yin and Ki transmissions, the Violet Breath, psychic surgery, and what it all means at the Master Teacher’s level. New Master Teachers will have plenty of hands-on experience as they practice Reiki I, II, III, and Master Teacher attunements. You will be given suggestions for effectively teaching Reiki throughout the duration of this class. A certificate is given at the end of class. There will be a one-hour lunch break. Please bring a bagged lunch. Pre-requisites: Reiki I, II, and III or equivalent. Students who received their prior certifications with a teacher other than Wendy Fogg will be required to meet with her and show certificates as well as discuss prior training.
Wendy's Teacher Lineage:
Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Training - 2011 - William Lee Rand
Shambala Reiki Master Teacher Training - 2010 - Christopher Penzak
Usui Tibetan Enhanced Reiki Master Teacher Training - 2006 - Christopher Penczak
Shamanic Reiki III Master Practitioner Training - 1998 - Lynn Roberts Herrick
Usui Reiki I/II - 1995 - Sarah Seifert Piper and Carol Piper